BioPHP - Reduced alphabets for proteins
Original code submitted by josebaCode bellow is covered by GNU GPL v2 license.
Last change: 2011/04/27 11:01 | Recent Changes | Original descriptionDisplays aminoacids by grouping them in classes, so that reduced alphabets are generated. In the coloured sequence, grouped aminoacids will show the same colour. Reduced protein sequence may be also displayed. Additionally, each aminoacid may be displayed with a distinct colour (without applying reductions).
Last change: 2011/04/27 11:01 | Recent Changes | Download | Original code and
<?php // authors Joseba Bikandi, Mark Brooks // license GNU GPL v2 // source code available at // the code in the top will retrieve data and manipulated it // in the middle are located the functions used in this script // in the bottom of the file is located the form ?> <html> <head> <title>Reduced (redundant or simplified) alphabets for proteins</title> </head> <body bgcolor=FFFFFF> <div align=right><a href=?info target=new>References</a></div> <center><h2>Reduced (redundant or simplified) alphabets for proteins</h2></center> <?php if ($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]=="custom_alphabet"){print_custom_reduced_alphabet_info();die();} if ($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]=="info"){print_info();die();} // GET DATA $type=$_POST["type"]; $aaperline=$_POST["aaperline"]; $seq=$_POST["seq"]; $seq=remove_non_coding_prot($seq); // START MAIN TABLE print "<table align=center><tr><td><pre>\n"; // REDUCE ALPHABET if ($_POST["mode"]=="pre"){ // for predefined reduced alphabets if ($seq!="" and $type!="" and $aaperline!=""){ $reduced_seq=reduce_alphabet($seq,$type); $seq=chunk_split($seq, $aaperline); $reduced_seq=chunk_split($reduced_seq, $aaperline); $colored_seq=color($seq,$reduced_seq,$type); print_reduced_code_info($type); if($_POST["show_reduced"]==1){ $colored_reduced_seq=color($reduced_seq,$reduced_seq,$type); print "<hr><b>Reduced alphabet\n".$colored_reduced_seq."</b>"; } print "<hr><b>Colored sequence\n".$colored_seq."</b><hr>"; } }else{ // for personalized reduced alphabets if ($seq!="" and $aaperline!=""){ $custom_alphabet=strtoupper($_POST["custom_alphabet"]); if (strlen($custom_alphabet)!=20){die("Error:<br>The personalized alphabet is not correct");} $reduced_seq=reduce_alphabet_custom($seq,$custom_alphabet); $reduced_seq=chunk_split($reduced_seq, $aaperline); $reduced_seq=chunk_split($reduced_seq, $aaperline); $colored_seq=color_custom($seq,$reduced_seq,$custom_alphabet); print "<b>Personalized alphabet</b>\nAminoacids: ".color_custom("ARNDCEQGHILKMFPSTWYV",$custom_alphabet,$custom_alphabet)."\nReduced code: ".color_custom($custom_alphabet,$custom_alphabet,$custom_alphabet); if($_POST["show_reduced"]==1){ $colored_reduced_seq=color_custom($reduced_seq,$reduced_seq,$custom_alphabet); print "<hr><b>Reduced alphabet\n".$colored_reduced_seq."</b>"; } print "<hr><b>Colored sequence\n".$colored_seq."</b><hr>"; } } // END REDUCE ALPHABET // ####################################################################### // ################### FUNCTIONS ######################### // ####################################################################### // ####################################################################### function print_reduced_code_info($type){ if ($type==20){ print "<b>Complete alphabet"; } if ($type==2){ print "<b>Two letters alphabet</b>\nAGTSNQDEHRKP => P: Hydrophilic\nCMFILVWY =>H: Hydrophobic"; } if ($type==5){ print "<b>Five letters alphabet: Chemical / structural properties</b>\nIVL => A: Aliphatic\nFYWH => R: Aromatic\nKRDE => C: Charged\nGACS => T: Tiny\nTMQNP => D: Diverse"; } if ($type==6){ print "<b>Six letters alphabet: Chemical / structural properties #2</b>\nIVL => A: Aliphatic\nFYWH => R: Aromatic\nKR => C: Pos. charged\nDE => C: Neg. charged\nGACS => T: Tiny\nTMQNP => D: Diverse"; } if ($type=="3IMG"){ print "<b>3 IMGT amino acid hydropathy alphabet</b>\nIVLFCMAW => P: Hydrophilic\nGTSYPM => N: Neutral\nDNEQKR =>H: Hydrophobic"; } if ($type=="5IMG"){ print "<b>5 IMGT amino acid volume alphabet</b>\nGAS => G: 60-90\nCDPNT => C: 108-117\nEVQH => E: 138-154\nMILKR => M: 162-174\nFYW => F: 189-228"; } if ($type=="11IMG"){ print "<b>11 IMGT amino acid chemical characteristics alphabet</b>\nAVIL => A: Aliphatic\nF => F: Phenylalanine\nCM => C: Sulfur\nG => G: Glycine\nST => S: Hydroxyl\nW => W: Tryptophan\nY => Y: Tyrosine\nP => P: Proline\nDE => A: Acidic\nNQ => N: Amide\nHKR => H: Basic"; } if ($type=="Murphy15"){ print "<b>Murphy et al, 2000; 15 letters alphabet</b>\nLVIM => L: Large hydrophobic\nC => C\nA => A\nG => G\nS => S\nT => T\nP => P\nFY => F: Hydrophobic/aromatic sidechains\nW => W\nE => E\nD => D\nN => N\nQ => Q\nKR => K: Long-chain positively charged\nH => H"; } if ($type=="Murphy10"){ print "<b>Murphy et al, 2000; 10 letters alphabet</b>\nLVIM => L: Large hydrophobic\nC => C\nA => A\nG => G\nST => S: Polar\nP => P\nFYW => F:Hydrophobic/aromatic sidechains\nEDNQ => E: Charged / polar\nKR => K: Long-chain positively charged\nH =>H"; } if ($type=="Murphy8"){ print "<b>Murphy et al, 2000; 8 letters alphabet</b>\nLVIMC => L: Hydrophobic\nAG => A\nST => S: Polar\nP => P\nFYW => F: Hydrophobic/aromatic sidechains\nEDNQ => E\nKR => K: Long-chain positively charged\nH => H"; } if ($type=="Murphy4"){ print "<b>Murphy et al, 2000; 4 letters alphabet</b>\nLVIMC => L: Hydrophobic\nAGSTP => A\nFYW => F: Hydrophobic/aromatic sidechains\nEDNQKRH =>E"; } if ($type=="Murphy2"){ print "<b>Murphy et al, 2000; 2 letters alphabet</b>\nLVIMCAGSTPFYW => P: Hydrophobic\nEDNQKRH => E: Hydrophilic"; } if ($type=="Wang5"){ print "<b>Wang & Wang, 1999; 5 letters alphabet</b>\nCMFILVWY => I\nATH => A\nGP => G\nDE => E\nSNQRK => K"; } if ($type=="Wang5v"){ print "<b>Wang & Wang, 1999; 5 letters variant alphabet</b>\nCMFI => I\nLVWY => L\nATGS => A\nNQDE => E\nHPRK => K"; } if ($type=="Wang3"){ print "<b>Wang & Wang, 1999; 3 letters alphabet</b>\nCMFILVWY => I\nATHGPR => A\nDESNQK => E"; } if ($type=="Wang2"){ print "<b>Wang & Wang, 1999; 2 letters alphabet</b>\nCMFILVWY => I\nATHGPRDESNQK => A"; } if ($type=="Li10"){ print "<b>Li et al, 2003; 10 letters alphabet</b>\nC => C\nFYW => Y\nML => L\nIV => V\nG => G\nP => P\nATS => S\nNH => N\nQED => E\nRK => K"; } if ($type=="Li5"){ // YIGSE print "<b>Li et al, 2003; 5 letters alphabet</b>\nCFYW => Y\nMLIV => I\nG => G\nPATS => S\nNHQEDRK => E"; } if ($type=="Li4"){ // YISE print "<b>Li et al, 2003; 4 letters alphabet</b>\nCFYW => Y\nMLIV => I\nGPATS => S\nNHQEDRK => E"; } if ($type=="Li3"){ // ISE print "<b>Li et al, 2003; 3 letters alphabet</b>\nCFYWMLIV => I\nGPATS => S\nNHQEDRK => E"; } } // ####################################################################### // Get colored html code for $seq by using the $seq2 (the reduced sequence) // as a reference, and according to the $type of reduction selected // returns an html code function color($seq,$seq2,$type){ $letters_array["20"]=array( "A"=>"CCFFFF", "R"=>"E60606", "N"=>"FF9900", "D"=>"FFCC99", "C"=>"00FFFF", "E"=>"FFCC00", "Q"=>"FF6600", "G"=>"00FF00", "H"=>"FFFF99", "I"=>"000088", "L"=>"3366FF", "K"=>"C64200", "M"=>"99CCFF", "F"=>"00CCFF", "P"=>"FFFF00", "S"=>"CCFF99", "T"=>"00FF99", "W"=>"CC99FF", "Y"=>"CCFFCC", "V"=>"0000FF" ); $letters_array["2"]=array( "P"=>"0000FF", "H"=>"FF0000" ); $letters_array["5"]=array( "A"=>"FF0000", "R"=>"00FF00", "C"=>"0000FF", "T"=>"FFFF00", "D"=>"00FFFF" ); $letters_array["6"]=array( "A"=>"FF0000", "R"=>"00FF00", "P"=>"0000FF", "N"=>"8888FF", "T"=>"FFFF00", "D"=>"00FFFF" ); $letters_array["3IMG"]=array( "P"=>"E60606", "N"=>"FFFF00", "H"=>"3366FF" ); $letters_array["5IMG"]=array( "G"=>"E60606", "C"=>"E60606", "E"=>"E60606", "M"=>"E60606", "F"=>"E60606", ); $letters_array["11IMG"]=array( "A"=>"1B04AE", "F"=>"00CCFF", "C"=>"CCECFF", "G"=>"00FF00", "S"=>"89F88B", "W"=>"CC99FF", "Y"=>"CCFFCC", "P"=>"FFFF00", "D"=>"FFCC00", "N"=>"F4A504", "H"=>"EC1504", ); $letters_array["Murphy15"]=array("L"=>"FF0000", "C"=>"00FF00", "A"=>"0000FF", "G"=>"FFFF00", "S"=>"00FFFF", "T"=>"FF00FF", "P"=>"880000", "F"=>"008800", "W"=>"000088", "E"=>"888800", "D"=>"008888", "N"=>"880088", "Q"=>"FF8888", "K"=>"88FF88", "H"=>"8888FF" ); $letters_array["Murphy10"]=array("L"=>"FF0000", "C"=>"00FF00", "A"=>"0000FF", "G"=>"FFFF00", "S"=>"00FFFF", "P"=>"880000", "F"=>"008800", "E"=>"888800", "K"=>"88FF88", "H"=>"8888FF" ); $letters_array["Murphy8"]=array( "L"=>"FF0000", "A"=>"0000FF", "S"=>"00FFFF", "P"=>"880000", "F"=>"0000FF", "E"=>"008800", "K"=>"88FF88", "H"=>"0000FF" ); $letters_array["Murphy4"]=array( "L"=>"00FF00", "A"=>"00FFFF", "F"=>"FF0000", "E"=>"0000FF" ); $letters_array["Murphy2"]=array( "P"=>"FF0000", "E"=>"0000FF" ); $letters_array["Wang5"]=array( "I"=>"FF0000", "A"=>"00FF00", "G"=>"FFFF00", "E"=>"0000FF", "K"=>"00FFFF" ); $letters_array["Wang5v"]=array( "I"=>"FF0000", "L"=>"FFFF00", "A"=>"00FF00", "E"=>"0000FF", "K"=>"00FFFF" ); $letters_array["Wang3"]=array( "I"=>"FF0000", "A"=>"00FF00", "E"=>"0000FF" ); $letters_array["Wang2"]=array( "I"=>"FF0000", "A"=>"0000FF" ); $letters_array["Li10"]=array( "C"=>"FF0000", "Y"=>"FFFF00", "L"=>"FF00FF", "V"=>"FF8888", "G"=>"00FFFF", "P"=>"88FF88", "S"=>"00FF00", "N"=>"8888FF", "E"=>"0000FF", "K"=>"88FFFF" ); $letters_array["Li5"]=array( "Y"=>"FFFF00", "I"=>"FF0000", "G"=>"00FFFF", "S"=>"00FF00", "E"=>"0000FF" ); $letters_array["Li4"]=array( "Y"=>"FFFF00", "I"=>"FF0000", "S"=>"00FF00", "E"=>"0000FF" ); $letters_array["Li3"]=array( "I"=>"FF0000", "S"=>"00FF00", "E"=>"0000FF" ); $new_seq=""; for($i=0;$i<strlen($seq);$i++){ $letter_seq=substr($seq,$i,1); $letter_seq2=substr($seq2,$i,1); if ($letters_array[$type][$letter_seq2]!=""){ $new_seq.="<font color=".strtolower($letters_array[$type][$letter_seq2]).">$letter_seq</font>"; }else{ $new_seq.=$letter_seq; } } return $new_seq; } // ####################################################################### // Reduce alphabet for $seq by using the predefined $type type of reduction // returns a reduced sequence function reduce_alphabet($seq,$type){ if ($type==20){ // Not reduced, so nothing to do } if ($type==2){ // PH $seq=preg_replace("/A|G|T|S|N|Q|D|E|H|R|K|P/","p",$seq); // Hydrophilic $seq=preg_replace("/C|M|F|I|L|V|W|Y/","h",$seq); // Hydrophobic $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type==5){ // ARCTD $seq=preg_replace("/I|V|L/","a",$seq); // Aliphatic $seq=preg_replace("/F|Y|W|H/","r",$seq); // Aromatic $seq=preg_replace("/K|R|D|E/","c",$seq); // Charged $seq=preg_replace("/G|A|C|S/","t",$seq); // Tiny $seq=preg_replace("/T|M|Q|N|P/","d",$seq); // Diverse $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type==6){ // ARPNTD $seq=preg_replace("/I|V|L/","a",$seq); // Aliphatic $seq=preg_replace("/F|Y|W|H/","r",$seq); // Aromatic $seq=preg_replace("/K|R/","p",$seq); // Pos. charged $seq=preg_replace("/D|E/","n",$seq); // Neg. charged $seq=preg_replace("/G|A|C|S/","t",$seq); // Tiny $seq=preg_replace("/T|M|Q|N|P/","d",$seq); // Diverse $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="3IMG"){ // PNH $seq=preg_replace("/D|N|E|Q|K|R/","p",$seq); // Hydrophilic $seq=preg_replace("/G|T|S|Y|P|M/","n",$seq); // Neutral $seq=preg_replace("/I|V|L|F|C|M|A|W/","h",$seq); // Hydrophobic $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="5IMG"){ // GCEMF (IMGT amino acid volume) $seq=preg_replace("/G|A|S/","g",$seq); // 60-90 $seq=preg_replace("/C|D|P|N|T/","c",$seq); // 108-117 $seq=preg_replace("/E|V|Q|H/","e",$seq); // 138-154 $seq=preg_replace("/M|I|L|K|R/","m",$seq); // 162-174 $seq=preg_replace("/F|Y|W/","f",$seq); // 189-228 $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="11IMG"){ // AFCGSWYPDNH $seq=preg_replace("/A|V|I|L/","a",$seq); // Aliphatic $seq=preg_replace("/F/","f",$seq); // Phenylalanine $seq=preg_replace("/C|M/","c",$seq); // Sulfur $seq=preg_replace("/G/","g",$seq); // Glycine $seq=preg_replace("/S|T/","s",$seq); // Hydroxyl $seq=preg_replace("/W/","w",$seq); // Tryptophan $seq=preg_replace("/Y/","y",$seq); // Tyrosine $seq=preg_replace("/P/","p",$seq); // Proline $seq=preg_replace("/D|E/","d",$seq); // Acidic $seq=preg_replace("/N|Q/","n",$seq); // Amide $seq=preg_replace("/H|K|R/","h",$seq); // Basic $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Murphy15"){ // LCAGSTPFWEDNQKH $seq=preg_replace("/L|V|I|M/","l",$seq); // Large hydrophobic $seq=preg_replace("/C/","c",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/A/","a",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/G/","g",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/S/","s",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/T/","t",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/P/","p",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/F|Y/","f",$seq); // Hydrophobic/aromatic sidechains $seq=preg_replace("/W/","w",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/E/","e",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/D/","d",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/N/","n",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/Q/","q",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/K|R/","k",$seq); // Long-chain positively charged $seq=preg_replace("/H/","h",$seq); $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Murphy10"){ // LCAGSPFEKH $seq=preg_replace("/L|V|I|M/","l",$seq); // Large hydrophobic $seq=preg_replace("/C/","c",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/A/","a",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/G/","g",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/S|T/","s",$seq); // Polar $seq=preg_replace("/P/","p",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/F|Y|W/","f",$seq); // Hydrophobic/aromatic sidechains $seq=preg_replace("/E|D|N|Q/","e",$seq); // Charged / polar $seq=preg_replace("/K|R/","k",$seq); // Long-chain positively charged $seq=preg_replace("/H/","h",$seq); $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Murphy8"){ // LASPFEKH $seq=preg_replace("/L|V|I|M|C/","l",$seq); // Hydrophobic $seq=preg_replace("/A|G/","a",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/S|T/","s",$seq); // Polar $seq=preg_replace("/P/","p",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/F|Y|W/","f",$seq); // Hydrophobic/aromatic sidechains $seq=preg_replace("/E|D|N|Q/","e",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/K|R/","k",$seq); // Long-chain positively charged $seq=preg_replace("/H/","h",$seq); $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Murphy4"){ // LAFE $seq=preg_replace("/L|V|I|M|C/","l",$seq); // Hydrophobic $seq=preg_replace("/A|G|S|T|P/","a",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/F|Y|W/","f",$seq); // Hydrophobic/aromatic sidechains $seq=preg_replace("/E|D|N|Q|K|R|H/","e",$seq); $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Murphy2"){ //PE $seq=preg_replace("/L|V|I|M|C|A|G|S|T|P|F|Y|W/","p",$seq); //Hydrophobic $seq=preg_replace("/E|D|N|Q|K|R|H/","e",$seq); //Hydrophilic $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Wang5"){ // IAGEK $seq=preg_replace("/C|M|F|I|L|V|W|Y/","i",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/A|T|H/","a",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/G|P/","g",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/D|E/","e",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/S|N|Q|R|K/","k",$seq); $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Wang5v"){ // ILAEK $seq=preg_replace("/C|M|F|I/","i",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/L|V|W|Y/","l",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/A|T|G|S/","a",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/N|Q|D|E/","e",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/H|P|R|K/","k",$seq); $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Wang3"){ // IAE $seq=preg_replace("/C|M|F|I|L|V|W|Y/","i",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/A|T|H|G|P|R/","a",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/D|E|S|N|Q|K/","e",$seq); $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Wang2"){ // IA $seq=preg_replace("/C|M|F|I|L|V|W|Y/","i",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/A|T|H|G|P|R|D|E|S|N|Q|K/","a",$seq); $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Li10"){ // CYLVGPSNEK $seq=preg_replace("/C/","c",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/F|Y|W/","y",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/M|L/","l",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/I|V/","v",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/G/","g",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/P/","p",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/A|T|S/","s",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/N|H/","n",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/Q|E|D/","e",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/R|K/","k",$seq); $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Li5"){ // YIGSE $seq=preg_replace("/C|F|Y|W/","y",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/M|L|I|V/","i",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/G/","g",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/P|A|T|S/","s",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/N|H|Q|E|D|R|K/","e",$seq); $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Li4"){ // YISE $seq=preg_replace("/C|F|Y|W/","y",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/M|L|I|V/","i",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/G|P|A|T|S/","s",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/N|H|Q|E|D|R|K/","e",$seq); $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } if ($type=="Li3"){ // ISE $seq=preg_replace("/C|F|Y|W|M|L|I|V/","i",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/G|P|A|T|S/","s",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/N|H|Q|E|D|R|K/","e",$seq); $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } } // ####################################################################### // removes non coding characters from $seq // returns the filtered sequence function remove_non_coding_prot($seq) { // change the sequence to upper case $seq=strtoupper($seq); // remove non-coding characters([^ARNDCEQGHILKMFPSTWYVX\*]) $seq = preg_replace ("([^ARNDCEQGHILKMFPSTWYVX\*])", "", $seq); return $seq; } // ####################################################################### // Reduce the alphabet for $seq by using the user defined persoalized alphabet // returns the reduced sequence function reduce_alphabet_custom($seq,$custom_alphabet){ $custom_alphabet=strtolower($custom_alphabet); // array with reduced code $a=preg_split("//",$custom_alphabet,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // array with aminoacids $b=preg_split("//","ARNDCEQGHILKMFPSTWYV",-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach($a as $key=> $val){ // replace aminoacids by reduced codes $seq=preg_replace("/".$b[$key]."/",$val,$seq); } $seq=strtoupper($seq); return $seq; } // ####################################################################### // Get colored html code for $seq by using the $seq2 (the reduced sequence) // as a reference, and according to the personalized alphabet included in the form // returns an html code function color_custom($seq,$seq2,$custom_alphabet){ // get array with letters $a=preg_split("//",$custom_alphabet,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $a=array_unique($a); //print_r($a); // define generic color // the assigment order is the one shown in the list // When few colors are needed, the first ones in the list are used $generic_colors=array( 0=>"FF0000", 1=>"00FF00", 2=>"0000FF", 3=>"FFFF00", 4=>"FF00FF", 5=>"00FFFF", 6=>"FF8888", 7=>"88FF88", 8=>"8888FF", 9=>"FFFF88", 10=>"FF88FF", 11=>"88FFFF", 12=>"FF3366", 13=>"33FF66", 14=>"3366FF", 15=>"FF6633", 16=>"66FF33", 17=>"6633FF", 18=>"880000", 19=>"008800" // black is not used ); // asign colors to the array foreach($a as $key=> $val){ // assigment of color $letters[$val]=$generic_colors[$key]; } $new_seq=""; for($i=0;$i<strlen($seq);$i++){ $letter_seq=substr($seq,$i,1); $letter_seq2=substr($seq2,$i,1); if ($letters[$letter_seq2]!=""){ $new_seq.="<font color=".strtolower($letters[$letter_seq2]).">$letter_seq</font>"; }else{ $new_seq.=$letter_seq; } } return $new_seq; } // ####################################################################### // To print info function print_custom_reduced_alphabet_info(){ ?> <h3>How to define a custom reduced alphabet</h3> <b>The procedure is very simple</b>: <ul> <li>one letter must be used for each group of aminoacids <br>p.e.: letters A,R,C,T and D for 5 groups</li> <li>aminoacid in the serie "ARNDCEQGHILKMFPSTWYV" will be substitute by letters defining the group. <br> p.e: from ARNDCEQGHILKMFPSTWYV to TCDCTCDTRAACDRDTDRRA </li> <li>the resulting serie of letters will be used in the form.</li> </ul> Colors will be automatically assigned to each letter of the alphabet (this behavior can not be personalized at the moment) <? } // ####################################################################### // To print general info function print_info(){ ?> This tool was originally created to reduce protein sequences by grouping the aminoacids in classes. During its development code to retrieve sequences with colours was added. Additionally, each aminoacid may be displayed with a distinct colour (without applying reductions). <p> The reduced aminoacid alphabets has been obtained from the references bellow: <font size=-1> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> Li T, Fan K, Wang J, Wang W. Reduction of protein sequence complexity by residue grouping. Protein Eng 2003; 5:323-330. <a href="">PubMed</a> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> Murphy LR, Wallqvist A, Levy RM. Simplified amino acid alphabets for protein fold recognition and implications for folding. Protein Eng 2000; 13:149-152. <a href="">PubMed</a> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> Pommié C, Levadoux S, Sabatier R, Lefranc G & Lefranc MP. IMGT standardized criteria for statistical analysis of immunoglobulin V-REGION amino acid properties. Journal of Molecular Recognition 2004; 17:17-32. <a href="">PubMed</a> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> Spitzer M, Fuellen G, Cullen P, Lorkowski S. VisCoSe: visualization and comparison of consensus sequences. Bioinformatics 2004; 20:433-435. <a href="">PubMed</a>, <a href=>Web</a> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> Wang J, Wang W. A computational approach to simplifying the protein folding alphabet. Nat Struct Biol 1999; 11:1033-1038. <a href="">PubMed</a> </font> <p>The script has been created entirely with PHP scripting language, and source code is available at <a href=></a></center> <? } // ####################################################################### // ######################## END FUNCTIONS ############################ // ####################################################################### // define defaulds (in case nothing is posted) if($seq==""){$seq="ARNDCEQGHILKMFPSTWYVX*";} if($aaperline==""){$aaperline=100;} // ####################################################################### // ######################## PRINT FORM ############################ // ####################################################################### ?> </pre> </td></tr> <tr><td> <form method=post value=<? print $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>> <b>Sequence:</b> <br> <textarea name=seq cols=75 rows=10><?= $seq; ?></textarea> <br> <input type=radio name=mode value=pre<? if ($_POST["mode"]!="custom"){print " checked";} ?>> Select Reduced alphabet <br> <select name=type> <option value="">Select Reduced alphabet <option value=2<? if ($type=="20"){print " selected";} ?>>Do not reduced <option value=2<? if ($type=="2"){print " selected";} ?>>Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic <option value=5<? if ($type=="5"){print " selected";} ?>>Chemical / structural properties <option value=6<? if ($type=="6"){print " selected";} ?>>Chemical / structural properties #2 <option value=3IMG<? if ($type=="3IMG"){print " selected";} ?>>3 IMGT amino acid hydropathy alphabet <option value=5IMG<? if ($type=="5IMG"){print " selected";} ?>>5 IMGT amino acid volume alphabet <option value=11IMG<? if ($type=="11IMG"){print " selected";} ?>>11 IMGT amino acid chemical characteristics alphabet <option value=Murphy15<? if ($type=="Murphy15"){print " selected";} ?>>Murphy et al, 15 <option value=Murphy10<? if ($type=="Murphy10"){print " selected";} ?>>Murphy et al, 10 <option value=Murphy8<? if ($type=="Murphy8"){print " selected";} ?>>Murphy et al, 8 <option value=Murphy4<? if ($type=="Murphy4"){print " selected";} ?>>Murphy et al, 4 <option value=Murphy2<? if ($type=="Murphy2"){print " selected";} ?>>Murphy et al, 2 <option value=Wang5<? if ($type=="Wang5"){print " selected";} ?>>Wang & Wang, 5 <option value=Wang5v<? if ($type=="Wang5v"){print " selected";} ?>>Wang & Wang, 5 variant <option value=Wang3<? if ($type=="Wang3"){print " selected";} ?>>Wang & Wang, 3 <option value=Wang2<? if ($type=="Wang2"){print " selected";} ?>>Wang & Wang, 2 <option value=Li10<? if ($type=="Li10"){print " selected";} ?>>Li et al, 10 <option value=Li5<? if ($type=="Li5"){print " selected";} ?>>Li et al, 5 <option value=Li4<? if ($type=="Li4"){print " selected";} ?>>Li et al, 4 <option value=Li3<? if ($type=="Li3"){print " selected";} ?>>Li et al, 3 </select> <br><input type=radio name=mode value=custom<? if ($_POST["mode"]=="custom"){print " checked";} ?>> Use Personalized alphabet <br> <input type=text name=custom_alphabet value=TCDCTCDTRAACDRDTDRRA size=30> <a href=?custom_alphabet target=new>info</a> <p> <input type=submit value=submit> <hr> Aminoacids per line: <input name=aaperline type=text value=<?= $aaperline; ?>> <br><input type=checkbox name=show_reduced value=1<? if($_POST["show_reduced"]==1){print " checked";} ?>> Show reduced alphabet </form> <hr> </td></tr></table> <center>Source code is available at <a href=></a></center> <? // ####################################################################### // ###################### END PRINT FORM ########################### // ####################################################################### ?> </body> </html>