BioPHP - Melting Temperature (Tm) calculation
Original code submitted by josebaCode bellow is covered by GNU GPL v2 license.
Last change: 2011/04/27 11:01 | Recent Changes | Original descriptionThis tool will calculate melting temperature for an oligonucleotide. Formulas are explained in the script.
Last change: 2019/06/16 11:09 | Recent Changes | Download | Original code and
<?php // author Joseba Bikandi // license GNU GPL v2 // source code available at // ####################################################################### // GET DATA // ####################################################################### // GETDATA // GET PRIMER SEQUENCE $primer=""; $primer=strtoupper($_GET["primer"]); // REMOVE FROM PRIMER NON CODING PARTS $primer=preg_replace("/\W|[^ATGCYRWSKMDVHBN]|\d/","",$primer); // SHOW ERROR WHEN LENGTH OF PRIMER IS NOT IN THE CORRECT RANGE if ($primer!="" and (strlen($primer)<6 or strlen($primer)>50)){die("Error:<br>Length of primer must be 6-50 bp.");} // GET ADDITIONAL DATA $primer_concentration=200; if($_GET["cp"]){$primer_concentration=$_GET["cp"];} $salt_concentration=50; if($_GET["cs"]){$salt_concentration=$_GET["cs"];} $mg_concentration=0; if($_GET["cmg"]){$mg_concentration=$_GET["cmg"];} // ####################################################################### // COMPUTE WHEN PRIMER IS SUBMITTED // ####################################################################### $basic_primer_info=""; $tm_basic=""; $tm_Base_Stacking=""; if($primer!=""){ // BASIC PRIMER INFORMATION // in case a primer is submitted, they are shown length, C+G % and Molecular weigth // compute length $length=strlen($primer); // compute C+G % (it is rounded to one decimal) $cg=round(100*CountCG($primer)/$length,1); // compute Molecular weigth (uses and function) $Mol_wt=Mol_wt($primer); //basic primer info length, C+G % and Molecular weigth $basic_primer_info ="<table width=100%><tr><td bgcolor=DDDDFF><pre>"; $basic_primer_info.="LENGTH ".$length."\n"; // length $basic_primer_info.="C+G% ".$cg."\n"; // C+G content $basic_primer_info.=$Mol_wt; // Molecular weigth $basic_primer_info.="</pre></td></tr></table>\n"; // COMPUTE TM WHEN REQUESTED // BASIC TM if($_GET["basic"]==1){ $tm_basic="<tr><td> </td><td bgcolor=DDDDFF><pre>"; if (strlen($primer)!=CountATCG($primer)){ // when degenerated nucleotides are included within primer sequence // minimum and maximum tm values are computed $tm_basic.="Minimun <font color=880000><b>".Tm_min($primer)." °C</b></font>\n"; $tm_basic.="Maximum <font color=880000><b>".Tm_max($primer)." °C</b></font>"; }else{ // when degenerated nucleotides are not present, only one tm value is computed $tm_basic.="Tm: <font color=880000><b>".Tm_min($primer)." °C</b></font>"; } $tm_basic.="</pre></td>"; } // BASE STACKING TM if($_GET["NearestNeighbor"]==1){ $tm_Base_Stacking ="<tr><td> </td><td bgcolor=DDDDFF><pre>"; $tm_Base_Stacking.=tm_Base_Stacking($primer,$primer_concentration,$salt_concentration,$mg_concentration); // $tm_Base_Stacking.="</pre></td>"; } } // ####################################################################### // GENERATE RESPONSE (4output) // ####################################################################### // PAGE TOP $output ="<html><head><title>Melting Temperature (Tm) Calculation</title></head><body bgcolor=FFFFFF>"; $output.="<center><table border=0><tr><td>"; $output.="<center><h2>Melting Temperature (Tm) Calculation</h2></center>"; // THE FORM // INCLUDES Tm INFORMATION WHEN REQUESTED $output.="<form method=get action=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."\">"; $output.="<b>Primer </b>(6-50 bases):<br>"; $output.="<input type=text name=primer value=\"".$primer."\" size=40>"; // primer sequence will be included in the form in case it was submitted and procesed $output.="<input type=submit value=\"Compute Tm\">"; $output.=$basic_primer_info; // output basic primer info in case it is available $output.="<table width=100%>"; $output.="<tr>"; $output.="<td valign=top>"; $output.="<input type=checkbox name=basic value=1";if ($_GET["basic"]==1){$output.=" checked";}$output.=">"; $output.="</td>"; $output.="<td valign=top>"; $output.="<a href=?formula=basic>Basic Tm</a>"; $output.="<br><font size=-1> Degenerated nucleotides are allowed</a></font>"; $output.="</td>"; $output.=$tm_basic; // BASIC TM is computed and shown when requested $output.="</tr>"; $output.="<tr>"; $output.="<td valign=top>"; $output.="<input type=checkbox name=NearestNeighbor value=1";if ($_GET["NearestNeighbor"]==1){$output.=" checked";}$output.=">"; $output.="</td>"; $output.="<td valign=top>"; $output.="<a href=?formula=BaseStaking>Base-Stacking Tm</a>"; $output.="<br><font size=-1> Degenerated nucleotides are NOT allowed</a></font>\n"; $output.="<table>\n"; $output.="<tr><td>Primer concentration:</td><td><input type=text name=cp value=".$primer_concentration." size=4> nM</td></tr>\n"; $output.="<tr><td>Salt concentration:</td><td><input type=text name=cs value=".$salt_concentration." size=4> mM</td></tr>\n"; $output.="<tr><td>Mg<font size=-2><sup>2+</sup></font> concentration:</td><td><input type=text name=cmg value=".$mg_concentration." size=4> mM</td></tr>\n"; $output.="</table>\n"; $output.=$tm_Base_Stacking; // BASE STACKING TM is computed and shown when requested $output.="</td>"; $output.="</tr>"; $output.="</table>"; $output.="</form>"; $output.="<hr>"; // END FORM // LINK TO SCRIPT $output.="<font size=-1>\nSource code is freely downloable at <a href=></a>\n</font>\n"; $output.="</td></tr></table>\n"; // INFO ABOUT TM COMPUTIG METHODS WHEN REQUESTED // SHOW BASIC TM INFO if ($_GET["formula"]=="basic"){ $output.=BasicTmInfo(); } // SHOW BASE-STACKING TM if ($_GET["formula"]=="BaseStaking"){ $output.=BaseStackingTmInfo(); } // ENDING $output.="</center>\n</body></html>\n"; // OUTPUT PAGE CONTENT ($output) // OPTION 1 (sends info as normal text) // print $output; // OPTION 2 (sends info as gz compressed text to reduce bandwidth usage) header("Content-Encoding: gzip"); echo gzencode($output,9); die(); // ####################################################################### // FUNTIONS // ####################################################################### function Tm_min($primer){ $primer2=primer_min($primer); $n_AT=substr_count($primer2,"A"); $n_CG=substr_count($primer2,"G"); $primer_len=strlen($primer2); return basic_tm($n_AT,$n_CG,$primer_len); } function Tm_max($primer){ $primer2=primer_max($primer); $n_AT=substr_count($primer2,"A"); $n_CG=substr_count($primer2,"G"); $primer_len=strlen($primer2); return basic_tm($n_AT,$n_CG,$primer_len); } function basic_tm($n_AT,$n_CG,$primer_len){ if ($primer_len < 14) { return round(2 * ($n_AT) + 4 * ($n_CG)); }else{ return round(64.9 + 41*(($n_CG-16.4)/$primer_len),1); } } function tm_Base_Stacking($c,$conc_primer,$conc_salt,$conc_mg){ if (CountATCG($c)!= strlen($c)){return "Non computed. The oligonucleotide contains degenerated nucleotides.";} $h=$s=0; // from table at (SantaLucia, 1998) // enthalpy values $array_h["AA"]= -7.9; $array_h["AC"]= -8.4; $array_h["AG"]= -7.8; $array_h["AT"]= -7.2; $array_h["CA"]= -8.5; $array_h["CC"]= -8.0; $array_h["CG"]=-10.6; $array_h["CT"]= -7.8; $array_h["GA"]= -8.2; $array_h["GC"]= -9.8; $array_h["GG"]= -8.0; $array_h["GT"]= -8.4; $array_h["TA"]= -7.2; $array_h["TC"]= -8.2; $array_h["TG"]= -8.5; $array_h["TT"]= -7.9; // entropy values $array_s["AA"]=-22.2; $array_s["AC"]=-22.4; $array_s["AG"]=-21.0; $array_s["AT"]=-20.4; $array_s["CA"]=-22.7; $array_s["CC"]=-19.9; $array_s["CG"]=-27.2; $array_s["CT"]=-21.0; $array_s["GA"]=-22.2; $array_s["GC"]=-24.4; $array_s["GG"]=-19.9; $array_s["GT"]=-22.4; $array_s["TA"]=-21.3; $array_s["TC"]=-22.2; $array_s["TG"]=-22.7; $array_s["TT"]=-22.2; // effect on entropy by salt correction; von Ahsen et al 1999 // Increase of stability due to presence of Mg; $salt_effect= ($conc_salt/1000)+(($conc_mg/1000) * 140); // effect on entropy $s+=0.368 * (strlen($c)-1)* log($salt_effect); // terminal corrections. Santalucia 1998 $firstnucleotide=substr($c,0,1); if ($firstnucleotide=="G" or $firstnucleotide=="C"){$h+=0.1; $s+=-2.8;} if ($firstnucleotide=="A" or $firstnucleotide=="T"){$h+=2.3; $s+=4.1;} $lastnucleotide=substr($c,strlen($c)-1,1); if ($lastnucleotide=="G" or $lastnucleotide=="C"){$h+=0.1; $s+=-2.8;} if ($lastnucleotide=="A" or $lastnucleotide=="T"){$h+=2.3; $s+=4.1;} // compute new H and s based on sequence. Santalucia 1998 for($i=0; $i<strlen($c)-1; $i++){ $subc=substr($c,$i,2); $h+=$array_h[$subc]; $s+=$array_s[$subc]; } $tm=((1000*$h)/($s+(1.987*log($conc_primer/2000000000))))-273.15; $result="Tm: <font color=880000><b>".round($tm,1)." °C</b></font>"; $result.="\n<font color=008800> Enthalpy: ".round($h,2)."\n Entropy: ".round($s,2)."</font>"; return $result; } function Mol_wt($primer){ $upper_mwt=molwt($primer,"DNA","upperlimit"); $lower_mwt=molwt($primer,"DNA","lowerlimit"); if ($upper_mwt==$lower_mwt){ return "Molecular weight: $upper_mwt"; }else{ return "Upper Molecular weight: $upper_mwt\nLower Molecular weight: $lower_mwt"; } } function CountCG($c){ $cg=substr_count($c,"G")+substr_count($c,"C"); return $cg; } function CountATCG($c){ $cg=substr_count($c,"A")+substr_count($c,"T")+substr_count($c,"G")+substr_count($c,"C"); return $cg; } function primer_min($primer){ $primer=preg_replace("/A|T|Y|R|W|K|M|D|V|H|B|N/","A",$primer); $primer=preg_replace("/C|G|S/","G",$primer); return $primer; } function primer_max($primer){ $primer=preg_replace("/A|T|W/","A",$primer); $primer=preg_replace("/C|G|Y|R|S|K|M|D|V|H|B|N/","G",$primer); return $primer; } function molwt($sequence,$moltype,$limit){ // the following are single strand molecular weights / base $rna_A_wt = 329.245; $rna_C_wt = 305.215; $rna_G_wt = 345.245; $rna_U_wt = 306.195; $dna_A_wt = 313.245; $dna_C_wt = 289.215; $dna_G_wt = 329.245; $dna_T_wt = 304.225; $water = 18.015; $dna_wts = array('A' => array($dna_A_wt, $dna_A_wt), // Adenine 'C' => array($dna_C_wt, $dna_C_wt), // Cytosine 'G' => array($dna_G_wt, $dna_G_wt), // Guanine 'T' => array($dna_T_wt, $dna_T_wt), // Thymine 'M' => array($dna_C_wt, $dna_A_wt), // A or C 'R' => array($dna_A_wt, $dna_G_wt), // A or G 'W' => array($dna_T_wt, $dna_A_wt), // A or T 'S' => array($dna_C_wt, $dna_G_wt), // C or G 'Y' => array($dna_C_wt, $dna_T_wt), // C or T 'K' => array($dna_T_wt, $dna_G_wt), // G or T 'V' => array($dna_C_wt, $dna_G_wt), // A or C or G 'H' => array($dna_C_wt, $dna_A_wt), // A or C or T 'D' => array($dna_T_wt, $dna_G_wt), // A or G or T 'B' => array($dna_C_wt, $dna_G_wt), // C or G or T 'X' => array($dna_C_wt, $dna_G_wt), // G, A, T or C 'N' => array($dna_C_wt, $dna_G_wt) // G, A, T or C ); $rna_wts = array('A' => array($rna_A_wt, $rna_A_wt), // Adenine 'C' => array($rna_C_wt, $rna_C_wt), // Cytosine 'G' => array($rna_G_wt, $rna_G_wt), // Guanine 'U' => array($rna_U_wt, $rna_U_wt), // Uracil 'M' => array($rna_C_wt, $rna_A_wt), // A or C 'R' => array($rna_A_wt, $rna_G_wt), // A or G 'W' => array($rna_U_wt, $rna_A_wt), // A or U 'S' => array($rna_C_wt, $rna_G_wt), // C or G 'Y' => array($rna_C_wt, $rna_U_wt), // C or U 'K' => array($rna_U_wt, $rna_G_wt), // G or U 'V' => array($rna_C_wt, $rna_G_wt), // A or C or G 'H' => array($rna_C_wt, $rna_A_wt), // A or C or U 'D' => array($rna_U_wt, $rna_G_wt), // A or G or U 'B' => array($rna_C_wt, $rna_G_wt), // C or G or U 'X' => array($rna_C_wt, $rna_G_wt), // G, A, U or C 'N' => array($rna_C_wt, $rna_G_wt) // G, A, U or C ); $all_na_wts = array('DNA' => $dna_wts, 'RNA' => $rna_wts); //print_r($all_na_wts); $na_wts = $all_na_wts[$moltype]; $mwt = 0; $NA_len = strlen($sequence); if($limit=="lowerlimit"){$wlimit=1;} if($limit=="upperlimit"){$wlimit=0;} for ($i = 0; $i < $NA_len; $i++) { $NA_base = substr($sequence, $i, 1); $mwt += $na_wts[$NA_base][$wlimit]; } $mwt += $water; return $mwt; } function BasicTmInfo(){ // info bellow will be shows when requested $info ="<table width=700><tr><td>\n"; $info.="<hr size=3 color=blue>\n"; $info.="<h2>Basic Melting Temperature (Tm) Calculations</h2>\n"; $info.="Two standard approximation calculations are used.\n"; $info.="<ul>\n"; $info.="<li>For sequences less than 14 nucleotides\n"; $info.="the formula is:\n"; $info.="<p> Tm= (wA+xT) * 2 + (yG+zC) * 4\n"; $info.="<p> where w,x,y,z are the number of the bases A,T,G,C in the sequence, respectively.\n"; $info.="<li>For sequences longer than 13 nucleotides, the equation used is\n"; $info.="<p> Tm= 64.9 +41*(yG+zC-16.4)/(wA+xT+yG+zC)\n"; $info.="</ul>\n"; $info.="<p>When degenerated nucleotides are included in the primer sequence (Y,R,W,S,K,M,D,V,H,B or N), those nucleotides will be internally substituted prior to minimum and maximum Tm calculation.\n"; $info.="<p><pre> Example:\n"; $info.=" Primer sequence: CTCT<b>RY</b>CT<b>WS</b>CTCTCT\n"; $info.=" Sequence for minimum Tm calculation: CTCT<b>AT</b>CT<b>AG</b>CTCTCT\n"; $info.=" Sequence for maximum Tm calculation: CTCT<b>GC</b>CT<b>AG</b>CTCTCT</pre>\n"; $info.="<p><b>ASSUMPTIONS:</b>\n"; $info.="<p>Equations above assume that the annealing occurs under the standard conditions of 50 nM primer, 50 mM Na<sup><font size=-2>+</font></sup>, and pH 7.0."; $info.="<hr size=3 color=blue>\n"; $info.="</td></tr></table>\n"; return $info; } function BaseStackingTmInfo(){ $info="<table width=700><tr><td>\n"; $info.="<hr size=3 color=blue>\n"; $info.="<h2>Base-Stacking Melting Temperature (Tm) Calculations</h2>\n"; $info.="This aproximation uses Thermodynamical concepts to compute T<sub>m</sub>.\n"; $info.="<p>The following references were used to develop the script:\n"; $info.="<ul>\n"; $info.="<li>SantaLucia J. A unified view of polymer, dumbbell, and oligonucleotide DNA nearest-neighbor thermodynamics. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998 Feb 17;95(4):1460-5."; $info.="<a href=>NCBI</a>\n"; $info.="<li>von Ahsen N, Oellerich M, Armstrong VW, Schütz E. Application of a thermodynamic nearest-neighbor model to estimate nucleic acid stability "; $info.="and optimize probe design: prediction of melting points of multiple mutations of apolipoprotein B-3500 and factor V with a hybridization probe genotyping "; $info.="assay on the LightCycler. Clin Chem. 1999 Dec;45(12):2094-101."; $info.="<a href=>NCBI</a>\n"; $info.="</ul>\n"; $info.="<hr size=3 color=blue>\n"; $info.="</td></tr></table>\n"; return $info; } ?>