BioPHP - Find Palindromic sequences
Original code submitted by josebaCode bellow is covered by GNU GPL v2 license.
Last change: 2011/04/27 11:01 | Recent Changes | Original descriptionWill search the sequence to find palindromic subsequences. Allows selection of minimum and maximum size of palindromic subsequences.
Last change: 2011/04/27 11:01 | Recent Changes | Download | Original code and
<!-- Title: Find Palindrome Script Author: Joseba Bikandi License: GNU GLP v2 --> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Palindromic sequences finder</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <h1>Palindromic sequences finder<br> </h1> <form method="post" action="<? print $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>"> <textarea name="seq" cols="75" rows="10">AACAATGCCATGATGATGATTATTACGACACAACAACACCGCGCTTGACGGCGGCGGATGGATGCCG CGATCAGACGTTCAACGCCCACGTAACGTAACGCAACGTAACCTAACGACACTGTTAACGGTACGAT </textarea> <br> Minimum length of palindromic sequence: <select name="min"> <option>4</option> <option>5</option> <option>6</option> <option>7</option> <option>8</option> <option>9</option> <option>10</option> </select> <br> Maximum length of palindromic sequence: <select name="max"> <option>5</option> <option>6</option> <option>7</option> <option>8</option> <option>9</option> <option selected="selected">10</option> <option>11</option> <option>12</option> <option>13</option> <option>14</option> <option>15</option> <option>16</option> <option>17</option> <option>18</option> <option>19</option> <option>20</option> </select> <br> <input value="Find Palindromic sequences" type="submit"></form> <p> </p> <hr><font size="+1"><b><u>Definitions</u></b></font> <br> <b>Palindromic sequence</b>: <br> <!-- #BeginEditable "Definition" --> A DNA sequence whose 5'-to-3' sequence is identical on each DNA strand. The sequence is the same when one strand is read left to right and the other strand is read right to left. Recognition sites of many restriction enzymes are palindromic. <hr> Source code (PHP) is available <a href=>here</a> </body> </html> <?php error_reporting(1); $seq=remove_useless_from_DNA($_POST["seq"]); if($seq==""){die("No sequence available");} $min=$_POST["min"]; $max=$_POST["max"]; $thearray=find_palindromic_seqs ($seq,$min,$max); // PRINT ARRAY print "Palindromic sequences with length $min to $max within string"; print "<table border=1 cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor=AAAAFF>Position</td><td bgcolor=AAAAFF>Sequence</td></tr>\n"; foreach ($thearray as $key => $val){ print "<tr><td>$key</td><td>$val</td></tr>"; } print "</table>\n"; //print_r($thearray); // Description for find_palindromic_seqs // Searches sequence for palindromic substrings // // Parameters // $seq is the sequence to be searched // $min the minimum length of palindromic sequence to be searched // $max the maximum length of palindromic sequence to be searched // // Return // An array: keys are positions in genome, and values are length of palindromic sequences // // Requeriments: // DNA_is_palindrome function find_palindromic_seqs ($seq,$min,$max){ $result=""; $seq_len=strlen($seq); for($i=0;$i<$seq_len-$min+1;$i++){ $j=$min; while($j<$max+1 and ($i+$j)<=$seq_len){ $sub_seq=substr($seq,$i,$j); if (DNA_is_palindrome($sub_seq)==1){ $results [$i]=$sub_seq; } $j++; } } return $results; } // Description for DNA_is_palindrome // Checks whether a DNA sequeence is palindromic. // When degenerate nucleotides are included in the sequence to be searched, // sequences as "AANTT" will be considered palindromic. // // Parameters // $seq is the sequence to be searched // // Return // True or False (1 or 0) // // Requeriments: // None function DNA_is_palindrome($seq){ if ($seq==RevComp_DNA2($seq)){ return TRUE; }else{ return FALSE; } } // Description for RevComp_DNA2 // Will yield the Reverse comlement of a NA sequence. Allows degenerated nucleotides // // Parameters // $seq is the sequence // // Return // A sequence // // Requeriments: // None function RevComp_DNA2($seq){ $seq= strtoupper($seq); $seq=strrev($seq); $seq=str_replace("A", "t", $seq); $seq=str_replace("T", "a", $seq); $seq=str_replace("G", "c", $seq); $seq=str_replace("C", "g", $seq); $seq=str_replace("Y", "r", $seq); $seq=str_replace("R", "y", $seq); $seq=str_replace("W", "w", $seq); $seq=str_replace("S", "s", $seq); $seq=str_replace("K", "m", $seq); $seq=str_replace("M", "k", $seq); $seq=str_replace("D", "h", $seq); $seq=str_replace("V", "b", $seq); $seq=str_replace("H", "d", $seq); $seq=str_replace("B", "v", $seq); $seq= strtoupper ($seq); return $seq; } // Description for remove_useless_from_DNA // Will remove non coding characters from a DNA sequence // // Parameters // $seq is the sequence // // Return // A sequence // // Requeriments: // CountCount_ACGT,Count_YRWSKMDVHB function remove_useless_from_DNA($seq) { $seq=strtoupper($seq); $seq=preg_replace("/\W|\d/","",$seq); $seq=preg_replace("/X/","N",$seq); $len_seq=strlen($seq); $number_ATGC=Count_ACGT($seq); $number_YRWSKMDVHB=Count_YRWSKMDVHB($seq); $number=$number_ATGC+$number_YRWSKMDVHB+substr_count($seq,"N"); if ($number!=$len_seq){die ("Error:<BR>Sequence is not valid.<BR>At least one letter in the sequence is unknown (not a <a href=>NC-UIBMB</a> valid code)");} return ($seq); } // Description for Count_ACGT // Will count number of A, C, G and T bases in the sequence // // Parameters // $seq is the sequence // // Return // A number // // Requeriments: // None function Count_ACGT($seq){ $cg=substr_count($seq,"A")+substr_count($seq,"T")+substr_count($seq,"G")+substr_count($seq,"C"); return $cg; } // Description for Count_YRWSKMDVHB // Will count number of degenerate nucleotides (Y, R, W, S, K, MD, V, H and B) in the sequence // // Parameters // $seq is the sequence // // Return // A number // // Requeriments: // None function Count_YRWSKMDVHB($c){ $cg=substr_count($c,"Y")+substr_count($c,"R")+substr_count($c,"W")+substr_count($c,"S")+substr_count($c,"K")+substr_count($c,"M")+substr_count($c,"D")+substr_count($c,"V")+substr_count($c,"H")+substr_count($c,"B"); return $cg; } ?>