BioPHP - Chaos Game Representation of DNA
Original code submitted by josebaCode bellow is covered by GNU GPL v2 license.
Last change: 2016/01/07 14:33 | Recent Changes | Original descriptionGraphical representation of genomes by Chaos Game Representation (CGR) as described by Jeffrey (1990), which represents DNA primary sequence organization, and Chaos Game Representation of Frequencies (FCGR), as described by Deschavanne at al. (1999), which represents frequency of oligonucleotides.
Last change: 2016/01/07 14:33 | Recent Changes | Download | Original code and
<!-- Title: Chaos Game Representation of DNA; CGR, FCGR Author: Joseba Bikandi License: GNU GLP v2 --> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head><title>CGR and FCGR</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function a(b){document.getElementById("txt").innerHTML=b;} </SCRIPT> </head> <body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> <?php error_reporting(0); // Do not show error messages // set_time_limit (300); // add this option when long execution time is required // exec("renice +10 ".getmypid()); // in linux, this line will reduce priority of the script // set limits for input sequences $input_min=50; $input_max=5000000; // BELLOW IS DECIDED WHAT TO DO NEXT // corresponding functions are used $option=$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; if ($option=="CGR"){ // To compute CGR images if ($_POST){CGR_compute($input_min,$input_max);}else{print_CGR_form($input_max);} }elseif($option=="FCGR"){ // To compute FCGR images if ($_POST){FCGR_compute($input_min,$input_max);}else{print_FCGR_form($input_max);} }else{ // This one is the default option print_start(); } //######################################################## // ################ FUNCTIONS ########################## //######################################################## function print_start(){ ?> <center> <h1><p>Graphical representation of genomes<br>and oligonucleotide frequencies</h1> </center> <table align=center border=0 width=600> <tr><td> <font size=+2> <a href="<?php print $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?CGR">Chaos Game Representation (CGR)</a> </font> <br>as described by <a href= target=new>Jeffrey</A> (1990). <br>Represents DNA primary sequence organization. <p> <p> <font size=+2> <a href="<?php print $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?FCGR">Chaos Game Representation of Frequencies (FCGR)</a> </font> <br>as described by <a href= target=new>Deschavanne <i>at al.</i></a> (1999). <br>Represents frequencies of oligonucleotides. <p> <hr> <font size=-1> This script has been extracted from online tools at <a href=></a>. <br>CGR images for all sequenced bacterial genomes are available <a href=>here</a> <br>To understand how CGR images are generated, check <a href=>here</a> <p>Source code is available at <a href= target=new></a> </font> </td></tr></table> <?php } //######################################################## function print_CGR_form($input_max){ ?> <p align=right><a href=<?php print $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>>Home</a></p> <center> <h2>Computation of Chaos Game Representation (CGR) images</h2> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" width="650"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: top;" bgcolor="#ddddff"> <form action="<?php print $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?CGR" method="post"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="325">Sequence name<br> <input name="seq_name" size="15" type="text"></td> <td width="325">Size of image (pixel)<br><select name=size><option value=auto>Auto<option value=1024>1024x1024<option value=512>512x512<option value=256>256x256</select></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Sequence code <font size=-1>(<<?php print $input_max; ?> bp; all digits, spaces and other non-coding characters will be removed)</font> <br><textarea cols="80" rows="5" name="seq"></textarea> <p><input value="Create CGR image" type="submit"></p> </form> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> When size of CGR image is not specified (Auto), the following image sizes are used: <p> 256x256 images for sequences up to 100,000 bp, <br> 512x512 images for sequences up to 1,000,000 bp, <br> 1024x1024 images for sequences up to 5,000,000 bp. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </center> <?php } //######################################################## function CGR_compute ($input_min,$input_max){ print "<p align=right><a href=".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].">Home</a></p>\n"; print "<center>\n<H1>Chaos Game Representation of DNA sequences</H1>\n"; // GET POSTED DATA if ($_POST["seq_name"]){$seq_name=$_POST["seq_name"];}else{ $seq_name="No name";} $seq=strtoupper ($_POST["seq"]); $seq = preg_replace ("/\W|\d/", "", $seq); $seq_len=strlen($seq); // add limits to length of imput sequence if ($seq_len>$input_max){die("<p>Sequence is longer than $input_max bp.<p>At this moment we can not provide this service to such a long sequences.");} if ($seq_len<$input_min){die("<p>Minumum sequence length: $input_min bp");} if($_POST["size"]=="auto"){ $size=256; if ($seq_len>1000000){$size=1024;} if ($seq_len>100000){$size=512;} }else{ $size=$_POST["size"]; } create_CGR_image($seq_name,$seq,$size); print "<img src=CGR.png?".date("U")." border=1>\n"; print "</center>\n"; } //######################################################## function print_FCGR_form($input_max){ ?> <p align=right><a href=<?php print $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>>Home</a></p> <center> <h2>Computation of <br> Chaos Game Representation of frequencies (FCGR) </h3> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" width="650"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: top;" bgcolor="#ddddff"> <form action="<?php print $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?FCGR" method="post"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="250">Sequence name<br> <input name="seq_name" size="15" type="text"></td> <td>Compute data for <select name="s"> <option value="2">Both strands</option> <option value="1">Only upper strand</option> </select> <br> Search oligos of length <select name="len"> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="6">6</option> <option value="7">7</option> </select> <br> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Sequence code <font size="-1">(<<?php print $input_max; ?> bp; all digits, spaces and other non-coding characters will be removed)</font><br> <textarea cols="80" rows="5" name="seq"></textarea> <p><input value="Create FCGR image" type="submit"> <br><input type=checkbox name=map value=1> Show as image map (not recomemded for long oligonuclotides) <br><input type=checkbox name=freq value=1 checked> Show oligonuclotide frequencies </form> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </center> <?php } //######################################################## function FCGR_compute($input_min,$input_max){ print "<p align=right><a href=".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].">Home</a></p>\n"; print "Computing...(time depends on sequence length and power of the server)<center><hr>";flush(); // GET DATA if ($_POST["seq_name"]){$seq_name=$_POST["seq_name"];}else{ $seq_name="No name";} $seq=strtoupper ($_POST["seq"]); $seq = preg_replace ("/\W|\d/", "", $seq); $seq_len=strlen($seq); // limits for length of sequence if ($seq_len>$input_max){die("<p>Sequence is longer than $input_max bp.<p>At this moment we can not provide this service to such a long sequences.");} if ($seq_len<$input_min){die("<p>Minumum sequence length: $input_min bp");} $oligo_len=$_POST["len"]; // If double strand is requested to be computed... if ($_POST["s"]==2){$seq.=" ".RevComp($seq); } // compute nucleotide frequencies $A=substr_count($seq,"A"); $C=substr_count($seq,"C"); $G=substr_count($seq,"G"); $T=substr_count($seq,"T"); // COMPUTE OLIGONUCLEOTIDE FREQUENCIES // frequencies are saved to an array named $oligos $oligos=find_oligos($seq,$oligo_len); // CREATE CHAOS GAME REPRESENTATION OF FREQUENCIES IMAGE // check the function for more info on parameters // $data contains a string with the data to be used to create the image map $for_map=create_FCGR_image($oligos,$seq_name,$A,$C,$G,$T,$seq_len,$_POST["s"],$oligo_len); // PRINT THE IMAGE, WHICH WILL BE A IMAGE MAP WHEN REQUESTED // to avoid submission of a huge amount of data throught the net if ($_POST["map"]==1){ // image map is requested print "<br><MAP NAME=Kaixo>\n$for_map\n</MAP>\n<span id=txt></span> <br><img USEMAP=\#Kaixo src=FCGR.png?".date("U")." width=552 hight=700 border=0>\n"; }else{ print "<br><img src=FCGR.png?".date("U")." width=552 hight=700 border=0>"; } // PRINT TEXTAREA WITH OLIGONUCLEOTIDE FREQUENCIES WHEN REQUESTED if ($_POST["freq"]==1){ // oligonucleotide frequencies are requested print "<p><p>Raw data used to generate images above: <BR><textarea cols=80 rows=10>Sequence\tOccurences\n"; foreach ($oligos as $key => $val){print "\n$key\t$val";} print "</textarea>"; } } //######################################################## function create_CGR_image($seq_name,$seq,$size,$ip2){ $im = @imagecreatetruecolor($size, $size+20) or die("Cannot initialize image"); $white =imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $black =imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); imagefilledrectangle($im,0,0,$size,$size+20,$white); $x=round ($size/2);$y=$x; for($i=0;$i<strlen($seq);$i++){ $w=substr($seq,$i,1); if($w=="A"){ $x-=$x/2; $y+=($size-$y)/2; } if($w=="C"){ $x-=$x/2; $y-=$y/2; } if($w=="G"){ $x+=($size-$x)/2; $y-=$y/2; } if($w=="T"){ $x+=($size-$x)/2; $y+=($size-$y)/2; } $x2=floor($x); $y2=floor($y); imagesetpixel($im,$x2,$y2,$black); } $seqlen=strlen($seq); imagestring($im, 3, 5, $size+5, "$seq_name ($seqlen bp)", $black); imagepng($im,"CGR.png"); imagedestroy($im); } //######################################################## // compute frequency of oligonucleotides with length $oligo_len for sequence $sequence function find_oligos($sequence,$oligo_len){ $i=0; $len=strlen($sequence)-$oligo_len+1; while ($i<$len){ $seq=substr($sequence,$i,$oligo_len); $oligos_1step[$seq]++; $i++; } $base_a=$base_b=$base_c=$base_d=$base_e=$base_f=$base_g=$base_h=array("A","C","G","T"); //for oligos 2 bases long if ($oligo_len==2){ foreach($base_a as $key_a => $val_a){ foreach($base_b as $key_b => $val_b){ if ($oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b]){ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b] = $oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b]; }else{ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b] = 0; } }} } //for oligos 3 bases long if ($oligo_len==3){ foreach($base_a as $key_a => $val_a){ foreach($base_b as $key_b => $val_b){ foreach($base_c as $key_c => $val_c){ if ($oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c]){ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c] = $oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c]; }else{ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c] = 0; } }}} } //for oligos 4 bases long if ($oligo_len==4){ foreach($base_a as $key_a => $val_a){ foreach($base_b as $key_b => $val_b){ foreach($base_c as $key_c => $val_c){ foreach($base_d as $key_d => $val_d){ if ($oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d]){ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d] = $oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d]; }else{ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d] = 0; } }}}} } //for oligos 5 bases long if ($oligo_len==5){ foreach($base_a as $key_a => $val_a){ foreach($base_b as $key_b => $val_b){ foreach($base_c as $key_c => $val_c){ foreach($base_d as $key_d => $val_d){ foreach($base_e as $key_e => $val_e){ if ($oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e]){ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e] = $oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e]; }else{ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e] = 0; } }}}}} } //for oligos 6 bases long if ($oligo_len==6){ foreach($base_a as $key_a => $val_a){ foreach($base_b as $key_b => $val_b){ foreach($base_c as $key_c => $val_c){ foreach($base_d as $key_d => $val_d){ foreach($base_e as $key_e => $val_e){ foreach($base_f as $key_f => $val_f){ if ($oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e.$val_f]){ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e.$val_f] = $oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e.$val_f]; }else{ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e.$val_f] = 0; } }}}}}} } //for oligos 7 bases long if ($oligo_len==7){ foreach($base_a as $key_a => $val_a){ foreach($base_b as $key_b => $val_b){ foreach($base_c as $key_c => $val_c){ foreach($base_d as $key_d => $val_d){ foreach($base_e as $key_e => $val_e){ foreach($base_f as $key_f => $val_f){ foreach($base_g as $key_g => $val_g){ if ($oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e.$val_f.$val_g]){ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e.$val_f.$val_g] = $oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e.$val_f.$val_g]; }else{ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e.$val_f.$val_g] = 0; } }}}}}}} } //for oligos 8 bases long if ($oligo_len==8){ foreach($base_a as $key_a => $val_a){ foreach($base_b as $key_b => $val_b){ foreach($base_c as $key_c => $val_c){ foreach($base_d as $key_d => $val_d){ foreach($base_e as $key_e => $val_e){ foreach($base_f as $key_f => $val_f){ foreach($base_g as $key_g => $val_g){ foreach($base_h as $key_h => $val_h){ if ($oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e.$val_f.$val_g.$val_h]){ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e.$val_f.$val_g.$val_h] = $oligos_1step[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e.$val_f.$val_g.$val_h]; }else{ $oligos[$val_a.$val_b.$val_c.$val_d.$val_e.$val_f.$val_g.$val_h] = 0; } }}}}}}}} } return $oligos; } //######################################################## // CREATE CHAOS GAME REPRESENTATION OF FREQUENCIES // The FCGR image will be save to a file, and an string is returned which contains data to be create a image map // $oligos is the array containing the oligonucleotides and their frequencies // $seq_name name of the sequence // $A,$C,$G,$T frequencies of nucleotides // $seq_len length of sequence // $n number of strands used to compute the figure // $oligo_len length of oligonucleotides studied function create_FCGR_image($oligos,$seq_name,$A,$C,$G,$T,$seq_len,$n,$oligo_len){ $max_val=max($oligos); $min_val=min($oligos); foreach ($oligos as $key => $val){ $ratio[$key]= floor(255-((255*($val-$min_val))/($max_val-$min_val))); } $im = @imagecreatetruecolor(552, 370) or die("Cannot initialize image"); for($c=0;$c<256;$c++){ $thecolor[$c]=ImageColorAllocate($im, $c, $c, $c); } $background_color =imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); imagefilledrectangle($im,0,0,552,700,$background_color); $black =imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $red =imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 0); $blue =imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 255); imagestring($im, 4, 10, 10, "Over or under-representation of oligonucleotides", $blue); imagestring($im, 3, 20, 30, "Chaos Game Representation of frequencies (FCGR)", $black); imageline ($im, 10, 50, 350, 50, $black); $seq_name=substr($seq_name,0,15); imagestring($im, 3, 20, 55, "Sequence name: $seq_name ($seq_len bp)", $black); if ($n==1){imagestring($im, 3, 20, 73, "Results for only one strand", $black);} if ($n==2){imagestring($im, 3, 20, 73, "Results for both strands", $black);} $thecolor[255]=ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $for_map=""; foreach($ratio as $seq => $val){ $len=strlen($seq); if ($len==7){$len_cuadro=1;} if ($len==6){$len_cuadro=3;} if ($len==5){$len_cuadro=7;} if ($len==4){$len_cuadro=15;} if ($len==3){$len_cuadro=31;} if ($len==2){$len_cuadro=63;} $mas_x=10;$mas_y=90; // para posicion $x=0; $y=0; $tt=0; $len2=$len; while ($len2>0){ $len2--; $ttt=pow(2,$tt);$tt++; $subseq1=substr($seq,$len2,1); if($subseq1=="A" or $subseq1=="T"){$y+=128/$ttt;} if($subseq1=="G" or $subseq1=="T"){$x+=128/$ttt;} } $x+=$mas_x;$x2=$x+$len_cuadro; $y+=$mas_y;$y2=$y+$len_cuadro; imagefilledrectangle($im,$x,$y,$x2,$y2,$thecolor[$val]); $for_map.="<AREA onMouseover=\"a('$seq => ".$oligos[$seq]."');\" onMouseout=\"a('');\" COORDS=\"$x,$y,$x2,$y2\" SHAPE=RECT>\n"; } imagestring($im, 3, 420, 10, "A: $A", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 420, 30, "C: $C", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 420, 50, "G: $G", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 420, 70, "T: $T", $black); // lines imageline ($im, 10, 90, 10, 346, $black); imageline ($im, 266, 90, 266, 346, $black); imageline ($im, 10, 90, 266, 90, $black); imageline ($im, 10, 346, 266, 346, $black); if ($oligo_len==2){ // lines imageline ($im, 10, 154, 266, 154, $black); imageline ($im, 10, 218, 266, 218, $black); imageline ($im, 10, 282, 266, 282, $black); imageline ($im, 74, 90, 74, 346, $black); imageline ($im, 138, 90, 138, 346, $black); imageline ($im, 202, 90, 202, 346, $black); // dimers in their place $h_pos=24; $v_pos=26; imagestring($im, 3, 10+$h_pos, 90+$v_pos, "CC", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 74+$h_pos, 90+$v_pos, "GC", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 138+$h_pos, 90+$v_pos, "CG", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 202+$h_pos, 90+$v_pos, "GG", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 10+$h_pos, 154+$v_pos, "AC", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 74+$h_pos, 154+$v_pos, "TC", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 138+$h_pos, 154+$v_pos, "AG", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 202+$h_pos, 154+$v_pos, "TG", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 10+$h_pos, 218+$v_pos, "CA", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 74+$h_pos, 218+$v_pos, "GA", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 138+$h_pos, 218+$v_pos, "CT", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 202+$h_pos, 218+$v_pos, "GT", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 10+$h_pos, 282+$v_pos, "AA", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 74+$h_pos, 282+$v_pos, "TA", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 138+$h_pos, 282+$v_pos, "AT", $black); imagestring($im, 3, 202+$h_pos, 282+$v_pos, "TT", $black); } if ($oligo_len==3){ // lines imageline ($im, 10, 122, 266, 122, $black); imageline ($im, 10, 154, 266, 154, $black); imageline ($im, 10, 186, 266, 186, $black); imageline ($im, 10, 218, 266, 218, $black); imageline ($im, 10, 250, 266, 250, $black); imageline ($im, 10, 282, 266, 282, $black); imageline ($im, 10, 314, 266, 314, $black); imageline ($im, 42, 90, 42, 346, $black); imageline ($im, 74, 90, 74, 346, $black); imageline ($im, 106, 90, 106, 346, $black); imageline ($im, 138, 90, 138, 346, $black); imageline ($im, 170, 90, 170, 346, $black); imageline ($im, 202, 90, 202, 346, $black); imageline ($im, 234, 90, 234, 346, $black); // trinucleotides in their place $h_pos=8; $v_pos=10; imagestring($im, 2, 10+$h_pos, 90+$v_pos, "CCC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 42+$h_pos, 90+$v_pos, "GCC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 74+$h_pos, 90+$v_pos, "CGC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 106+$h_pos, 90+$v_pos, "GGC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 138+$h_pos, 90+$v_pos, "CCG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 170+$h_pos, 90+$v_pos, "GCG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 202+$h_pos, 90+$v_pos, "CGG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 234+$h_pos, 90+$v_pos, "GGG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 10+$h_pos, 122+$v_pos, "ACC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 42+$h_pos, 122+$v_pos, "TCC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 74+$h_pos, 122+$v_pos, "AGC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 106+$h_pos, 122+$v_pos, "TGC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 138+$h_pos, 122+$v_pos, "ACG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 170+$h_pos, 122+$v_pos, "TCG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 202+$h_pos, 122+$v_pos, "AGG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 234+$h_pos, 122+$v_pos, "TGG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 10+$h_pos, 154+$v_pos, "CAC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 42+$h_pos, 154+$v_pos, "GAC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 74+$h_pos, 154+$v_pos, "ATC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 106+$h_pos, 154+$v_pos, "CTC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 138+$h_pos, 154+$v_pos, "CAG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 170+$h_pos, 154+$v_pos, "GAG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 202+$h_pos, 154+$v_pos, "CTG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 234+$h_pos, 154+$v_pos, "GTG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 10+$h_pos, 186+$v_pos, "AAC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 42+$h_pos, 186+$v_pos, "TAC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 74+$h_pos, 186+$v_pos, "GTC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 106+$h_pos, 186+$v_pos, "TTC", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 138+$h_pos, 186+$v_pos, "AAG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 170+$h_pos, 186+$v_pos, "TAG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 202+$h_pos, 186+$v_pos, "ATG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 234+$h_pos, 186+$v_pos, "TTG", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 10+$h_pos, 218+$v_pos, "CCA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 42+$h_pos, 218+$v_pos, "GCA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 74+$h_pos, 218+$v_pos, "CGA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 106+$h_pos, 218+$v_pos, "GGA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 138+$h_pos, 218+$v_pos, "CCT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 170+$h_pos, 218+$v_pos, "GCT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 202+$h_pos, 218+$v_pos, "CGT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 234+$h_pos, 218+$v_pos, "GGT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 10+$h_pos, 250+$v_pos, "ACA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 42+$h_pos, 250+$v_pos, "TCA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 74+$h_pos, 250+$v_pos, "AGA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 106+$h_pos, 250+$v_pos, "TGA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 138+$h_pos, 250+$v_pos, "ACT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 170+$h_pos, 250+$v_pos, "TCT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 202+$h_pos, 250+$v_pos, "AGT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 234+$h_pos, 250+$v_pos, "TGT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 10+$h_pos, 282+$v_pos, "CAA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 42+$h_pos, 282+$v_pos, "GAA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 74+$h_pos, 282+$v_pos, "CTA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 106+$h_pos, 282+$v_pos, "GTA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 138+$h_pos, 282+$v_pos, "CAT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 170+$h_pos, 282+$v_pos, "GAT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 202+$h_pos, 282+$v_pos, "CTT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 234+$h_pos, 282+$v_pos, "GTT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 10+$h_pos, 314+$v_pos, "AAA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 42+$h_pos, 314+$v_pos, "TAA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 74+$h_pos, 314+$v_pos, "ATA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 106+$h_pos, 314+$v_pos, "TTA", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 138+$h_pos, 314+$v_pos, "AAT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 170+$h_pos, 314+$v_pos, "TAT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 202+$h_pos, 314+$v_pos, "ATT", $black); imagestring($im, 2, 234+$h_pos, 314+$v_pos, "TTT", $black); } // show length of oligonucleotides imagestring($im, 3, 50, 350, "Oligonucleotide length: $oligo_len", $black); $cent=286; imagestring($im, 2, 6+$cent, 228, "Frequency", $black); imagefilledrectangle($im,6+$cent,208,16+$cent,218,$thecolor[255]); imagefilledrectangle($im,19+$cent,208,29+$cent,218,$thecolor[240]); imagefilledrectangle($im,32+$cent,208,42+$cent,218,$thecolor[225]); imagefilledrectangle($im,45+$cent,208,55+$cent,218,$thecolor[210]); imagefilledrectangle($im,58+$cent,208,68+$cent,218,$thecolor[195]); imagefilledrectangle($im,71+$cent,208,81+$cent,218,$thecolor[180]); imagefilledrectangle($im,84+$cent,208,94+$cent,218,$thecolor[165]); imagefilledrectangle($im,97+$cent,208,107+$cent,218,$thecolor[150]); imagefilledrectangle($im,110+$cent,208,120+$cent,218,$thecolor[135]); imagefilledrectangle($im,123+$cent,208,133+$cent,218,$thecolor[135]); imagefilledrectangle($im,136+$cent,208,146+$cent,218,$thecolor[120]); imagefilledrectangle($im,149+$cent,208,159+$cent,218,$thecolor[105]); imagefilledrectangle($im,162+$cent,208,172+$cent,218,$thecolor[90]); imagefilledrectangle($im,175+$cent,208,185+$cent,218,$thecolor[75]); imagefilledrectangle($im,188+$cent,208,198+$cent,218,$thecolor[60]); imagefilledrectangle($im,201+$cent,208,211+$cent,218,$thecolor[45]); imagefilledrectangle($im,214+$cent,208,224+$cent,218,$thecolor[30]); imagefilledrectangle($im,227+$cent,208,237+$cent,218,$thecolor[15]); imagefilledrectangle($im,240+$cent,208,250+$cent,218,$thecolor[0]); imagepng($im,"FCGR.png"); imagedestroy($im); return $for_map; } //######################################################## // REVERSE_COMPLEMENT DNA function RevComp($code){ $code=strrev($code); $code=str_replace("A", "t", $code); $code=str_replace("T", "a", $code); $code=str_replace("G", "c", $code); $code=str_replace("C", "g", $code); $code = strtoupper ($code); return $code; } ?> </body> </html>